Wilson turns 71 on July 25, 2012
I brought flowers, a balloon, cake, & gifts & cards from his pals to celebrate Wilson’s 71st birthday in the nursing facility. I’d hoped to have him home by this day, but we’ll have to wait another week. He was thrilled when I showed up with a big cart filled with all this stuff, and enjoyed watching me set up the display. I read him all the emails & letters I’d printed out while he ate a piece of cake, smiling. I opened his gifts for him and he was able to say “That’s really great!” each time something new emerged. It meant the world to him to get so many cards, etc, from old friends. Thanks to everyone who wrote on here, and sent birthday greetings by email & Facebook. I read every one of them to him, and he loved it.
July 27th, 2012 at 10:57 pm
Happy belated B’day to Wilson. Glad to see he is close to getting back to home. He is so lucky to have the lovely rose Lorraine.
August 23rd, 2012 at 3:13 am
Hey, Steve. Becki, here. I miss you, and the house partyies at our place, and your place, and Dick’s and your bigger-than-life self. Hang that cat in the window at Halloween, wouldya???

John Joyce’s wife.
August 23rd, 2012 at 4:30 pm
Becki…Lorraine here. Thanks for your note, which I’ll be sure to read to Wilson. I have kept up the tradition of the cat in the window every year since his injury. I hang it the second week of October, and take it down on the Day of the Dead. Just like he always did.
Best to you & JJ.
August 27th, 2012 at 9:21 pm
Wesley Stephen Reynolds Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
August 25th, 2012 at 4:56 am
S.Clay Wilson, I’m in hopes this finds you well. I would like to thank you for your inspiration. I too purchased a stack of underground comix as a youngster (14 yrs old) in a head shop in Old Town section of Chicago. I’ve spent endless hours drawing with pen and ink. I had dreams of being an illustrator. I wish there was a happy ending to that story but there is not. I still have that stack of 25 cent comix, dog eared an yellowed. I still make reference to Star Eyed Stella, Checkered Demon, and Captain Piss Gums. Get Well my friend I’ve never met. I love the picture of you with my other heros Crumb, Spain, and Paul Mavrides. Your Truly Wes Reynolds