2015 Birthday for S. Clay on Saturday, July 25th!

Kevin Webster transforms me into a super-duper Heroine as I turn 70! Along with my ever present pal, The Woozy…my raccoon buddy.
ok. So you missed when LORRAINE TURNED 70, on June 22nd. Well, it’s not like there was a big party or anything. I’ve always had pretty dismal birthdays…except for a few years in Essex, Ct., when my friends Colette and Peter Harron used to give me a party. They were always fantastic, and I felt celebrated. I am so grateful for Doug & Heather Brown, upstairs. They dragged me out into the back yard where their adorable daughters, EmmaJean and Olivia, anointed me with airborne bubbles, a necklace, and a tiara…all with hugs and CUPCAKES! I was truly thrilled and deeply touched. Wilson didn’t have a clue that day, so it was extra heartbreaking on such a big decade. (When I was 60 I had promised myself I’d be in Hawaii when I turned 70, but it just didn’t happen.) Hugs from the girls, though, rescued me from a torment we don’t even want to start to describe! Thank you so much!
And now, on Saturday the 25th, a few pals will drop in to celebrate Wilsons 74th birthday. I’m hoping we will be able to get a belly laugh out of him….or at least a smile. When I asked him if he wanted a party, he blurted “Well YEAH” like I must be an idiot to ask…so Im hoping that’s a sign he will enjoy it, and that we will all be able to tell. Sometimes that can be difficult if he’s having one of those days devoid of facial expressions. But regardless, I know he will be happy to see everyone, even if it’s hard to see. I’ll post some photos for you afterwards.
He can say things once in awhile that really startle me. I told him the Moscosos had called the other day. I said Victor was turning 79 on Tuesday, he was turning 74 on Saturday, and Gail was turning 70 one day very soon. A moment passed, Wilson sighed, adjusted himself, getting comfortable, and then said, clear as a bell, “SHOCKING.” It took a minute for me to even register that. “Did you just say SHOCKING?” I asked. “Yeah” he said. ” Well THAT was shocking” I stated. And he chuckled, very pleased with himself.
Please send him some remarks, greetings, insults, donations or threats, and I’ll read them to him over his birthday breakfast, to get the day started, ok? I promise to send you all thank you notes for your donations, as I always do. They mean the world to us, as it makes it possible for us to have cable, telephone, Internet, and even laundry detergent, as I’ve told you before. Without it, we couldn’t possibly afford those things, or even gas for the car.
Many thanks, and I’ll post some birthday pix after it’s over. I’m just so happy we are both still alive and together and here for another celebration.
July 28th, 2015 at 5:18 am
Sorry I missed the day by a few.
Tell Wilson I hope that he is doing as well as possible and I am still enjoy the tripytch of the Checker Demon life and 3 jams
I will try to call later in the week.
Back in Texas
November 22nd, 2015 at 4:39 pm
Edwin! So great to hear from you. Please write or call any time. I will read this to Wilson today. Sorry to have taken so long. I missed your note. Best regards, .lorraine