Archive for July, 2024

S Clay Wilson missed his Birthday Cake!

Saturday, July 27th, 2024
The CAKE from his 77th

The CAKE from his 77th

Wilson would’ve been 83 on the 25th. I’ve gone on ahead the past 31/2 years on my own, getting older, while he remains that fellow with a twinkle in his eyes, giving me a tickle, copping a feel in the kitchen or scaring me to death in the shower in true “Psycho” form….howling at my startled screams.

No day was without his flirty touch, ridiculous sight gags, or wicked chuckle.

After an evening movie, I loved lying next to him in the quiet as we read for awhile before sleep. Sometimes he’d say “Oh listen to this!” and I’d lower my book as he read a passage from his, in that melodious baritone…serenading me with words…

I do so miss having him here beside me….but lucky in knowing him for 50yrs I have so many memories come back to me now that make me smile. Our 21yrs together wasn’t nearly enough…but they’re supplemented by all our visits, phone calls & the flurry of love letters & postcards he sent, that followed me everywhere I went, as I moved about the country…

Happy Birthday, my darling. I’m smiling thru tears now, and thinking of you….

I’m still nibbling on your surprise Birthday cake Rena made.♥️ We sang your favorite Birthday song, wiggling our waddles to dramatize the operatic vibrato just like you used to do when calling yr pals on their day. Some of your wacky traditions live on through me. Your presence remains strong even in your absence, my love, cuz you really are SO unforgettable! xox ♥️

PS..The PayPal button is operational, should you care to donate something to help me keep this website, WiFi, phone, etc. Tough times for everyone, I know, but I’m at the bottom of the proverbial barrel, and my health concerns are scary enough to need scans & more frequent Ubers to the Hospital. Anything is much appreciated!