Checkered Demon T-Shirts!!!

The Demon lives!

The Demon lives!

The Artist, Bryan Erik Baines made these shirts in a limited edition,to benefit Wilson’s SpecialNeedsTrust.

They just went up for sale Sunday Feb.2, 2020, and are selling like hot cakes. So place your orders! Type in the address shown in the ad, as I’m NOT the person selling them! They’re soft, 100% cotton, White only, sizes S – XXXL.

Thank you, Bryan, for doing this for Wilson, and for doing such a great job. ❤️

7 Responses to “Checkered Demon T-Shirts!!!”

  1. Florida Jason Says:

    Got my Checkered Demon shirt in the mail and its awesome!
    Thanks to Bryan Baines for making these, great that the proceeds are going for Mr Wilsons care.
    All hail S Clay Wilson, the king of the underground artists!

  2. Gary M Ino Says:

    Send mr the link to buy a Checkered Demon T

  3. fran w Says:

    these are sold out??
    would like to get 2 – one L, one XL
    please get more!!

  4. Lorraine Chamberlain Says:

    You need to contact the website on the poster! We don’t sell them.

  5. Lorraine Chamberlain Says:

    It’s right there on the picture of it! Cheers.

  6. Philip DeWalt Says:

    FYI, as of today he still has a few. Just got an XL.

  7. Thomas Filip Says:

    The shirt looks good on me if I do say so myself! Best wishes to Wilson and Lorraine.

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